How to Write Quality Blog Content Quickly and Consistently

speed typing


Every blog relies on content, whether it’s video, written or some other form. Finding the time and inspiration though, can be difficult.

If you want to run a successful blog, however, you have to be able to write quality content quickly and consistently is vital. There’s a direct correlation between the amount of content you write and the number of visitors you get. Great bloggers are able to write quality content more or less on cue.

Others, like me, find it difficult to fill my blog with constant content. This is something I am trying to change, though. I have started adding tools and micro tasking to my work day. We’ll talk more about micro tasking in another post, but it’s basically breaking down your big project into small, workable tasks that can be done quickly, say in an hour or less.

So how do you develop this skill?

==> Keep a Running List of Potential Topics

On your computer, or on a notepad somewhere, there should be a list of running potential topics you can write about. Whenever you have an idea for a potential post, write it down on this list.

Then whenever it’s time to write content, you can just sit down in front of your computer and start writing. There’ll be no writer’s block that stems from a lack of topics.

I have recently started usingĀ Evernote to keep a running list of topics. I can use it on any device whether I’m at my desk or out and about. When an idea strikes, I simply open the app and put the idea on my list.


==> Begin by Writing Out Your Sub-Points

Once you have your topic, begin your writing by writing out the main points. Brainstorm all the different things you could or want to talk about and quickly jot them down. I necessary, create a mindmap to help you focus on what you want to say.

This will help you structure your thoughts, so you can jump from topic to topic with flow. Trying to write from top to bottom without an outline is very difficult.

Remember those days in high school English when you had to create an outline before you began writing? Well, this is the same concept only you’re not working for good grades you’re working for money.

Now I know not everyone loves to write or finds it difficult to do this step, but if you put in the extra few minutes to create an outline, your writing will flow a lot easier.


==> Write Quickly, Without Editing

Once your outline is done, write. And write fast.Don’t do anything else; just write.

Don’t edit.

Don’t worry too much about spelling errors or grammar. Write in your natural, conversational voice.

The goal here is to tap into your natural flow of conversation. Try not to filter yourself. Between writer’s block and being “in flow,” there’s very little middle ground. You’re either writing quickly, or you’re not writing at all.

In other words, don’t try to write slowly, or you’ll probably come to a halt. Instead, just speed through your first draft, then come back and edit later.

I’ve found it helps to put on some music. I turn off phones, social media and all other distractions as well.


==> Use Outside Inspiration

If you ever get stuck for tips or sub-points, go get some inspiration.

Use Google to find out what kinds of tips other people are giving in your industry. Search for titles similar to the one you’re using.

Take a look at what people are talking about on the social media sites.

What creative ideas have others shared?

DO NOT COPY THEIR WORK. Use it only for inspiration, making sure you put your own twist to whatever ideas you use.


==> Most of All, Find Something You’re Passionate About

Most of all, make sure you’re writing about something you’re passionate about. Is it possible to write quality content quickly about something you don’t care about? Yes. But it’s much more difficult, much less enjoyable and you just won’t have the same amount of passion and excitement coming through.


These tips will help you get your writing speed up. All else being equal, a blog that publishes five times a week is going to get a lot more traffic than a blog that publishes once. Not just five times the amount of traffic either – it’s exponential.

Putting out content regularly is simply a requirement to a successful blog.

What tips do you have for writing content quickly and consistently? Share in the comments.