On The Road To Published Book

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I have always wanted to be a published author.

The idea of having my name attached to a published book is both thrilling and terrifying.

Like many others, life and fear have held me back from pursuing the passion of publishing.

Well no more, I say. With all the new technology in self-publishing from Kindle to Nook, publishing a book has never been easier. There are no query letters to write and no publishers to convince your book is the next best-seller.

I have set up a challenge for myself. (and anyone who wants to follow along). I will write at least one page a day on a book to be published on Kindle at the end of 30 days.

I will be reporting my progress here along with the steps I take to get that book out of my mind and onto (digital) paper.

The first step will be to determine my niche. I will go into more detail in the next post on how I do the research on how to find out what is selling.

Since I have many interest, I have to decide which direction I want to take.

Will this be a book in my own name, that I want to be known for? Or am I going to write under a pen name?

Is it a non-fiction or fiction work? I want to do both so I have to decide where to start.

Do I go with something I am already an expert in or do I want to do a lot of research and interviewing? The easiest book to write will be from my own experiences of course.

This is just the beginning of all the questions. I am finding that writing and publishing a book isn’t as simple as turning in a high school short story.


But I’m looking forward to the journey.



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