The Liebster Award Blog Entry

I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award Blog by Kathy Robinson . A big thanks goes out to her.

I have decided to accept the challenge and will pass it on to others.

Origins of the Liebster Blog Award (at least as much information as I could gather on it):

liebster award_

According to the research found on  Google and Bing, the Liebster Blog Award is an award given to smaller, up and coming bloggers by other bloggers who admire you and/or your blog.

From what I can tell, it originated in Germany as an award that fellow bloggers feel you deserve recognition for your hard blogging work.  Although the original numbers are different, the nominee was to have less than 300 followers. I don’t know if this is still true. It looks as though you can nominate any blogger you admire.

The rules are:

These are the simple rules attached to this award:

1. If you are nominated for the award and accept it, then you have won!

2. Link back to the person who presented the award to you. (Thank you, Kathy)

3. Nominate 11 blogs  who you feel deserve the award.

4. Let the nominees know by leaving a comment on their blog.

The challenge asks me to answer 11 questions that Kathy has sent me and to give you  11 random things about myself in return.  Actually, that is scarier than answering her questions….

The 11 questions Kathy Robinson asked:

What is your favourite song and why? (Sorry, I know this is two questions but I’m only allowed 11.) 🙂 Favorite song is a tough won. I have many I like, but I guess Rocky Mountain High by John Denver. It fills me with the beauty of nature we live with in our world and why we should be taking care of mother earth.
Have you ever traveled overseas? Not yet but hope to in the near future!
How long have you been working online and why did you start?I began working online in 2005 after being laid off work tow years in a row.
What is your favourite movie and why?  That s a tough one. I like many  different genres so it would depend on my mood. Star Wars (original 1978), Disney’s Cinderella, Gone with the Wind…just a few.
Who would you most love to meet and why? Rachael Ray because she has a can do attitude about her life.
What is your biggest goal? To become a top selling author in my niche.
Do you scrunch or fold? (Napkins etc) Fold most of  the time.
Do you have any pets? I have an Alaskan Malamute 100 pound dog, 2 cats, four fish, and ten chickens.
Who has influenced you the most online?Lynn Terry of Clicknewz and Tiffany Dow
Are you left handed or right handed? Right handed.
Who was your greatest influence as a child? My dad. He was a hard working, family man who loved to work the land. He loved his kids and always had an open door for all our friends as well.

My 11 random things:

1. I am the 6th child of 9 kids.

2. I am an avid reader, often reading two or three books a week. And my library office is overflowing with many different genres of books including business, mystery, self-help, sci-fi and paranormal.

3. I am self-taught on most software. I am a techie, love digging into the software and learning how to use it.

4. I won an award when I was ten years old for decorating an Easter egg. It was dressed in fabric like a Pioneer woman, complete with petticoats and bonnet.

5. One of my pet peeves is parents not paying attention to their children when they are in public. Letting them run wild in stores is not safe.

6. I learned to drive a standard (stick) shift car at thirty and learned how to swim at forty. Now I spend as much time as possible swimming.

7. I write poetry. I began around the age of 13 and have had several poems published in anthologies.

8. I used to be painfully shy, but not as bad anymore.

9. My favorite foods are strawberries and chili– though not together.

10. I am an avid environmentalist. I believe we should take care of our land, the animals and the environment if we want anything to be left for our grandchildren to enjoy. The animals cannot be replaced, the mountains rebuilt or the air we breathe be reconstructed without machines.

11. I am a history buff. I love learning the history of any place I visit.

I nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Award:


2. Melissa –

3. Debi J. –

4. Vera –

5. Steven-

6. Cynthia-

7. Tamsin-

8. Iris-


10. Shan-


My 11 questions for you if you choose to accept the award are;

1. What delights you most about your life right now?
2. Who or what influenced you to choose the career you have now?
3. Where did you grow up and how far is it from where you live now?
4. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
5. What do you like about being a grown up?
6.. What pets do you have or had?
7. What do you like to do as a hobby?
8. Do you like to write letters or do you prefer quick text messages?
9.  What is your favorite dessert?
10. Does your family read your blog, why or why not?
11. What one or two words best describes you?

Carol O.