Weaving Your Story Within Your Copy Inspires Others

Weaving Your Story Within Your Copy Inspires Others

It was one of those weeks when no matter what I did it didn’t work. I was trying to put together an important article. It should have been easy. After all, it was a subject I knew very well. But I had some personal things going on that were pulling my attention away. I was worried, scared and anxious.

Every time I sat down to write, I would sit there, trembling, staring at a blank page.

That cursor just kept blinking



Mocking me.

Tormenting me.

As if to say, “Ha! Who do you think you are to try to teach others about this? You aren’t smart enough. You can’t even take care of the problem you’re having right now.”

I was frustrated, ready to give up. How could something that comes so naturally to me, be so hard? I just wanted to clear my mind and find a way to put my thoughts down on the page.

I tried meditating. I tried grounding. I went for a walk.

My Awakened Moment

Finally, I sat at the base of a big, knurly old oak tree, closed my eyes and asked God/Source for answers. As I relaxed, I began to feel a deep sense of quiet. I heard the squirrels chattering, scolding each other. I heard a hawk’s lonely cry for its mate. I watched the rabbits scurrying in the fallen leaves and a mama deer and her fawn slowly moving along the path ahead of me.

I became still, my mind quieted and the answers to my problems became clear.

And with a clear mind, the theme of the article came to me.

I started writing what I was feeling and how my story had unfolded. The theme of the article wasn’t related to what I was feeling, but I poured them out onto the screen anyway. 

As I wrote and let my story emerge, I began to see how it was related. I finished the article and sent it to the editor. It turned out to be one of the best-received pieces I’d written.

Since that frustrating day, I’ve learned that telling my story and not being afraid to show what I was feeling, in my words and the way I told my story, has made more of an impact on others than if I’d written a bland facts or simple how-to post.

Weave Your Story

One of the things I believe that is important, more important than the statistics, is the authentic feel of the words your clients or potential clients are reading. They don’t want another post, page, article or video telling them they have to buy this because it is the best blah, blah, blah.

You don’t want to just tell your story though. It needs to be done in a way that speaks to the emotions of the reader. Telling your story in a personal way is one of the best ways to build relationships and help others.

Using your emotional story in your marketing awakens your copy to really speak to your followers. Feelings and storytelling are what give your writing depth. Don’t be afraid to use describing words, personal anecdotes and your feelings to fill the story with truth.

You want your customers to actually feel like they are there, that they’re the ones experiencing the event. Part of creating web copy that awakens the needs of your clients is being relatable.

You have to not only tell who you are but you have to show them you know how they are feeling, what they are going through and how you’ve come through it. Draw them into your circle by opening up about yourself.

You don’t have to tell all the details about your life. But you do want to talk about the bits and pieces that keep them coming back to learn more of your story. Use the parts that help your prospects see you’ve been in their shoes.

Weave your story into your copy. Wow them with your emotions. Grab them with your truth. And build relationships with your authenticity.

Want someone to look at your copy to help you see where you can add more story and emotion? Book a 25- minute consult today!

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